Fisherman's Quest!
← Return to Fisherman's Quest!
- August 16, 2023 by Slothful Media#mobile, #mobilegame, #unity, #unity3D, #Fishing, #Indie, #indiedev, #fishing, #sim, #fishsim, #fishsimulation, #simulation, #android, #blog, #devblog, #devlog, #gameblog, #gamedevblog, #gamedevlog, #googleplay, #mobilegamedev, #unity3d, #unitydevThis update is a fairly big one. As we end the prototype stage and enter production I will likely do a weekly update on the game. Follow for more updates, or join the discord to join the discussion! D... Continue reading
- August 08, 2023 by Slothful Media#blog, #gameblog, #gamedevblog, #devblog, #devlog, #gamedevlog, #unity3d, #android, #googleplay, #mobile, #mobilegame, #mobilegamedev, #unitydevv0.1.18.0 Fishing Mechanic Reworked the fishing mechanic; Previously the difficulty was random, should be based primarily on what's being caught, and the highest tier items being more difficult to cat... Continue reading